Browned Butter Prune and Pecan Cinnamon Croissant Buns

Browned Butter Prune and Pecan Cinnamon Croissant Buns

 Thank you for your kind wishes! This was my birthday bake- browned butter prune and pecan cinnamon croissant buns. They were very good. 

 People always ask, how do you have time to bake, which I find an odd question. I stress-bake and I make time for it. Last week, one of our kids caught HFMD from school and the other was sent home, so we’ve been managing a full house, kids in our bed, quarantining them from each other and their baby cousin, crying and hunger strikes, unfortunately combined with a new errant helper turned rogue, my own mum heaping unhelpful mummy guilt, and work cranking up non-stop complete with late-night calls and live deals, all on the brink of a long and packed business trip. Frankly, it’s been a time short on laughter, good food or restfulness. 

 As I breathed in the moorish, flaky, soft butteriness, I reflected that it has been quite awhile since I stress-baked and for that, I am grateful. I am grateful for a clean bill of health at a recent medical checkup, I’m grateful for compelling work that accommodates my #workingmum hours, I’m grateful for friends who know me well and give the bestest birthday gifts like laminated dough sheets, and for being able to bake with my boys, including my wonderful husband (and his wonderful camera lenses).


Homemade Childrens’ Nasi Lemak

