Merry Christmas 2022!

Merry Christmas 2022! This has been the year of sobering losses and happy reunions and travel after 3 newborn and Covid years. The girls’ personalities are emerging each day, and the constant negotiation with each other and their brothers makes for a noisy but hilarious show. Rowan (Roro) is a very feminine magpie who loves anything sparkly and pretty, her sweetness masks a steely independence and penchant for equity and pointed commentary that probably comes with the territory of being littlest. Juniper (Pippi) is a mummy’s girl and a comical, greedy, bossy, fierce lover of books. She is the linguist of the four and can prattle charmingly in Bahasa but is also, and still, the worst sleeper of the four. Our chief parenting accomplishment is they can now cycle 2-wheelers. The boys turn 7 in January as they enter Primary 1 and are thrilled at the thought of a new school, watches and pocket money. They love anything fast- skiing, surfing, skating, kayaking, Teslas and Top Gun 2. Wesley (Wes Wes) is reading really fluidly and Paxton (Pezzy) is closing in on 140cm and a US6 shoe size. We are so grateful for our friends near and far, and we look forward to meeting in person again soon. Till then, we wish you good health and joy through the festive season and in the coming year!


Niseko, Hokkaido in winter


Entrepreneur Journey