The Boys turn 8
The boys turn 8. Last Nov, Wes baked pumpkin pies to fundraise a dinner with some of the men we met through ItsRainingRaincoats, a meaningful home-grown organization. We’d planned on briyani at Racecourse Road but did an about turn when the coordinator told us they would definitely enjoy McDonald’s as a rare treat. No FB pictures cos other pp’s kids but suffice to say- kudos to the guys and the overwhelmed, young hostess for putting up with the resounding echoes of a chaotic, raucous room.
A few things that were very touching- when I sent the dorm coordinator a picture of the boys, he told me they remembered them and immediately sent back pictures of them from 3 years ago when we did a Diwali drive as part of IRR’s volunteer program during Covid, which was a shock as I had entirely forgotten. Instead of presents, we asked for contributions to gift bags- these were the bags when Wes and I started filling them and at the end, when the other children added chocolate, toiletries, toothpaste, panadol and a lovely thought- one of them put in a photo frame for each.
Happy Birthday boys, sometimes it makes me tear to see you changing so quickly. May you grow up to be healthy, smart, strong and kind.